What to Wear

My personal style is something that has changed a lot over the years. A life working in retail has created many distinct style chapters in my life that all revolve around where I was working at the time. My days at J.Crew, an art gallery-esque shop, a smaller clothing boutique, and Athleta have all blurred together over the course of my adult life. But with each new store, I’m able to look back and see how my personal style evolved during my time there.

One job in particular changed it all: L.L. Bean. For the first time since elementary school my day-to-day involved a uniform. This was a game changer for me. After years of carefully curating the clothes I wore to work and helping the masses shop outfits for their own adventures in life, someone was now telling ME what to wear. In the hours when I wasn’t all buttoned up in my L.L. Bean green shirt inside the store, I really started to realize what type of clothing and style I was gravitating towards in my own adventures. There’s a whole world of fashion out there that I wasn’t seeing because of the environments I was working in. When I needed to dress for work from my own closet, I found my self constantly purchasing clothing for a wardrobe that would suite my day to day job. But now, all I need is a green shirt and jeans, and the rest of my wardrobe is.. all for me! This new found freedom opened my eyes to what really brings me joy, what I feel good in, and where my style and identity truly lies.

I am an artist by trade & nature. Textures, unique details, and cut are all the things that draw me to an item and often what I notice first on others. An over sized sweater, jeans and a beanie is my go-to day-off outfit. Don’t get me wrong - I like dressing up just as much as the next person, but I gravitate towards big & cozy. Construction of the item is very important, and messy is not a look I’m going for. Clothing and hygge go hand in hand for me. Each day I can create a new work of art with my wardrobe. A mix of classic and trendy with my own touch of putting it all together. My fashion is another form of my art - always changing and always bringing me joy in the process of finding my hygge style.

The Evolution of Fashion


Gallery & Boutique


WearMaria Sakran